The Fight

Overview: In this episode (ep 136), Adam Williams weaves stories of his two young sons throwing head locks and left hooks, and finding confidence amid their tears and rage, with his own challenges as a boy raised to never fight.(Released on podcast on Feb. 11, 2023) Also on Apple, Spotify, Pandora, Stitcher, YouTube, Google and other players. EP Read more…

Insecurities ready the parachute. Confidence trusts it’ll open.

Overview: In this short solo episode (Ep. 124), Adam Williams sorts out some truths of being creative, like facing insecurities with courage and cultivating confidence. He cites Dutch artist, curator and designer Erik Kessels’ book “Failed It!” and reflects on Kessels’ belief that insecurity is essential to confidence. Also on Apple, Spotify, Pandora, Stitcher, YouTube, Google and Read more…

The Job of the Artist | Humanitou Blog

The Job of the Artist

The artist Daniel Arsham posted a handwritten list of answers to this question on Instagram today: What is the job of the artist? Arsham’s answers: Reframe the present Interdimensional narrative Reveal the unseen Interpret the era Make joy and sadness Time travel Re-present the familiar as strange and unusual Provoke Read more…
