UPDATED: I originally wrote the short blog post below in Nov. 2022. This update highlights the embedded audio players, so the resulting We Are Chaffee: Looking Upstream podcast conversation I had with Beck Cerón, as mentioned in the post below, is available here. I’ve also included the player for Part One with Beck.

Here is Part Two with Beck Cerón:

Here is Part One with Beck Cerón:

(November 2022) – There is an aspirational quality to the podcast work I do, and have been doing for years. Like teaching yoga was for me pre-pandemic. The intentional practice of all this work places me spiritually, emotionally, heartfully in a space that connects to me uncovering and knowing and shining my best Self

It has become far more difficult in the past several years as the chaos of the world and challenges of society have ever-intensified. I am aware of my vibrations of disconnection with Self and oneness. I am aware of my tightness, hardness, agitation. 

When I sit in meditation, another practice I know is essential yet I too often deflect from the routine I once had and still need, I struggle to reconnect, reground in softness. 

But, an example of the heartfelt, aspirational work: I have been preparing for a potentially powerful podcast conversation with Beck Cerón tomorrow. This will be part two, in which we sit longer to hear, share and honor his transgender, queer and sober experience much more fully. 

I feel the conversation deeply already. In my preparations of questions I hold as our guide during the hour-long podcast conversation we record, I essentially visualize and simulate the “game day” convo.

Actual conversations never go that visualized, practiced way. Nor should they. But if we carry out the conversation we can on these significant topics and Beck’s story, I think this can be an important and deeply human conversation for us to share with others. 

When I am preparing, researching, visualizing, recording, etc., I am in a creative practice that calls on my truest, softest Self. It is that expression of myself that I feel I aspire to be at all times. And the fact I do not feel that vibe of compassion, love, ease and acceptance of all humans, including myself, at all times is the practice.

Follow, rate and enthusiastically review the We Are Chaffee: Looking Upstream podcast on Apple or Spotify. Listen to the podcast, see show notes, links and conversation transcripts at wearechaffee.org.

Art Credits: Photographic portrait of Beck Cerón and AI-generated title art by Adam Williams
